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Matematika IPB

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Informasi Publikasi

Judul Artikel : H2 tracking and regulation performance limits for SIMO feedback control systems
Penulis : S. Hara, T. Bakhtiar (2004)
Judul Publikasi : Proc. 33rd SICE Symposium on Control Theory hal. 139-142
Jenis : Makalah Seminar Internasional
Bahasa : English
Abstrak : This paper deals with intrinsic performance limits achievable by feedback control. We give analytical expressions of the optimal tracking and regulation problems for linear shift-invariant single-input and multiple-output (SIMO) discrete-time systems. For the former, we modify the exsting results by means the delta operator and show that the continuous-time counterpart results can be properly recovered from this point. For the latter, we derive a discrete-time result first and show the convergence property.
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1 Prof. Dr. Toni Bakhtiar, M.Sc.

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