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Matematika IPB

Beranda arrow Mahasiswa & Alumni arrow Alumni Program Sarjana
Data Skripsi
Judul : Frekuensi Penerbangan Optimal pada Beberapa Jaringan Penerbangan
Jenis : Skripsi
Penulis : Slamet Aprian Utomo
NRP : g54061563
Tanggal Lulus : 22 September 2010
Tanggal Seminar :
Tanggal Sidang :
Pembimbing : Prof. Dr. Toni Bakhtiar, M.Sc.

Ringkasan : To maximize profit, every airlines has special strategics. One of the strategics is to find the flight optimal frequency. This manuscript explains about how to determine the flight optimal frequency of direct network, hub and spoke network, subtour network, and tour network. Flight frequency optimal is determinated by minimizing a total cost which is sum of the cost that connect with the airline operational. In this manuscript simulation is done by assuming that airline service flight to six cities with 1000 miles of radius. If there are 50 demands for transit on each cities every day and airline costs are given, the optimal flight frequency for each network would be two flights for direct network, five flights for hub and spoke network, and three flights for tour network.

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