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Matematika IPB

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Judul Artikel : Estimating the Probability of Misclassificationsin Two-Groups Discriminant Analysis
Penulis : I Wayan Mangku (2004)
Judul Publikasi : Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications Vol.3 No.1 hal. 1-11
Nama Penerbit : Departemen of Matematics IPB
Kota : Bogor
Jenis : Jurnal Nasional
Bahasa : English
Abstrak : This paper is a survey study on estimation of the probability of misclassifications in two-groups discriminant analysis using the linear iscriminant function as the classification rule. Here we consider two groups of estimators, namely parametric estimators and empirical estimators.
The results of some comparative studies on the performances of the considered estimators are also discussed.
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1 Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Mangku, M.Sc.

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