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Matematika IPB

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Judul Artikel : Weak and Strong Convergence of a Kernel-type Estimator for the Intensity of a Periodic Poisson Process
Penulis : I Wayan Mangku (2006)
Judul Publikasi : Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications Vol.5 No.1 hal. 1-12
Nama Penerbit : Departemen of Matematics IPB
Kota : Bogor
Jenis : Jurnal Nasional
Bahasa : English
Abstrak : In this paper we survey some results on weak and strong convergence of kernel type estimators for the intensity of a periodic Poisson process. We consider the situation when the period is known in order to be able to present simple proofs of the results. For the more general results, which includes the case when the period is unknown, we refer to [15],[16].
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1 Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Mangku, M.Sc.

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