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Judul Artikel : Stabilization of plants over signal-to-noise constrained channels
Penulis : T. Bakhtiar (2006)
Judul Publikasi : Proc. Seminar on Advanced Control Theory and Cybernetics hal. 1-5
Jenis : Makalah Seminar Internasional
Bahasa : English
Abstrak : This paper just re-discusses [1] and [11], where the problems of feedback stabilization over a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) constrained channel are studied. The first paper considers both continuous and discrete-time minimum phase systems, while the second extends the results to non-minimum phase ones and proposes a linear time-varying feedback strategies to eliminate the effect of non-minimum phase zeros in SNR limited stabilization. In general, the limitations on the ability to stabilize a plant over an SNR constrained channel are improsed mainly by unstable poles and non-minimum phase zeros of the plant.
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1 Prof. Dr. Toni Bakhtiar, M.Sc.

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