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Matematika IPB

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Judul Artikel : On-line maintenance of optimal machine schedules
Penulis : Amril Aman, Anantaram Balakrishnan and Vijay Chandru (1997)
Judul Publikasi : Sadhana Vol.22 No.2 hal. 257-279
Nama Penerbit : Springer India
Jenis : Jurnal Internasional
Bahasa : Inggris
Abstrak : Effective and efficient scheduling in a dynamically changing environment is important for real-time control of manufacturing, computer, and telecommunication systems. This paper illustrates the algorithmic and analytical issues associated with developing efficient and effective methods to update schedules on-line. We consider the problem of dynamically scheduling precedence-constrained jobs on a single processor to minimize the maximum completion time penalty. We first develop an efficient technique to reoptimize a rolling schedule when new jobs arrive. The effectiveness of reoptimizing the current schedule as a long-term on-line strategy is measured by bounding its performance relative to oracles that have perfect information about future job arrivals.
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1 Dr. Ir. Amril Aman, M.Sc.

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