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Matematika IPB

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Profil Dosen
Nama Lengkap : Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Mangku, M.Sc.
Inisial : IWM
NIP Dosen : 131 663 020
Institusi : Departemen Matematika
Bagian : Pemodelan Matematika
Minat Riset : Proses Stokhastik
Telepon : +62-251-625276 ext.205
Email: :
Daftar Publikasi
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1 Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Mangku,M.Sc. (2017). Pengantar Teori Peluang. IPB Press
2 Herlina Hanum, Aji Hamim Wigena, Anik Djuraidah and I Wayan Mangku. (2016). Developing Generalized Linear Model of Gamma-Pareto Distribution. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) 100 (8) pp. 1215-1225
3 I Wayan Mangku, Faza Sakinah and Ruhiyat. (2016). Estimating the Mean and Variance Functions of a Compound Poisson Process Having Power Function Intensity. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) 100 (9) pp. 1455-1465
4 Intan Fitria Sari, I. Wayan Mangku and Hadi Sumarno. (2016). Estimating the Mean Function of a Compound Cyclic Poisson Process in the Presence of Power Function Trend. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) 100 (11) pp. 1825-1840
5 Fitriani Ida Makhmudah, I Wayan Mangku and Hadi Sumarno. (2016). Estimating the Variance Function of a Compound Cyclic Poisson Process. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) 100 (6) pp. 911 - 922
6 Ruhiyat, Mangku IW, Purnaba IGP. (2013). Consistent Estimation of the Mean Function of a Compound Cyclic Poisson Process. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 77 (2) pp. 183-194
7 Ruhiyat, Mangku IW, Purnaba IGP. (2013). Laju Kekonvergenan Penduga Fungsi Nilai Harapan pada Proses Poisson Periodik Majemuk. Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Aplikasinya
8 Ruhiyat, Mangku IW, Purnaba IGP. (2013). Peluang Kebangkrutan pada Model Risiko dengan Proses Poisson Takhomogen. Seminar Nasional Matematika Unes Semarang pp. 617-624
9 Wenti Ismayulia, I Wayan Mangku, Siswandi. (2013). Pendugaan Komponen Periodik Fungsi Intensitas Berbentuk Fungsi Periodik Kali Tren Linear Suatu Proses Poisson Non-Homogen. Jurnal Matematika dan Aplikasinya 12 (1) pp. 49-62
10 Mangku IW, Ruhiyat, Purnaba IGP. (2013). Statistical Properties of an Estimator for the Mean Function of a Compound Cyclic Poisson Process. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 82 (2) pp. 227-237
11 Mangku IW. (2012). Predicting a Cyclic Poisson Process. Annals Inst of Statistical Mathematics 64 pp. 1261-1279
12 Mangku IW, Siswadi, Budiarti R. (2011). Asymptotic Approximations to the Bias and Variance of a Kernel-type Estimator of the Intensity of the Cyclic Poisson Process with the Linear Trend. Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 17 (1) pp. 1-9
13 Mangku IW. (2011). Estimating the Intensity Obtained as the Product of a Periodic Function with the Linear Trend of a Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 51 (2) pp. 141-150
14 Mangku IW. (2010). Comparing Optimism of Error Rate Estimators in Discriminant Analysis by Monte Carlo Simulation on Multivariate Normal Data. Jurnal Matematika dan Aplikasinya 9 (2)
15 Mangku IW. (2010). Consistent Estimation of the Distribution Function and the Density of Waiting Time of a Cyclic Poisson Process with Linear Trend. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics 33 (1) pp. 81-91
16 Mangku IW. (2010). Monte Carlo Evaluation of Error Rate Estimators in Discriminant Analysis under Multivariate Normal Data. Jurnal Matematika dan Aplikasinya 9 (1) pp. 1-14
17 Ramdani P, Mangku IW, Budiarti R. (2010). Pendugaan Komponen Periodik Fungsi Intensitas Berbentuk Fungsi Periodik Kali Tren Kuadratik Suatu Proses Poisson Non-Homogen. Jurnal Matematika dan Aplikasinya 9 (2)
18 I Wayan Mangku. (2007). A kernel-type estimator of the intensity of a double periodic poisson process. Joint Statistics Seminar pp. 1-9
19 Roelof Helmers, I Wayan Mangku, Ricardas Zitikis. (2007). A non-parametric estimators for the doubly periodic Poisson Intensity Function. Statistical Methodology (4) pp. 481-492
20 I Wayan Mangku. (2007). Balanced Bootstrap Estimators for the Probability of Misclassifications in Discriminant Analysis. Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications 6 (1) pp. 11-23
21 Fitria V, Tjut A., I Wayan Mangku, Siswadi. (2007). Evaluasi beberapa penduga parameter model regresi dengan berbagai nilai amatan nol melalui simulasi monte carlo. Makalah Seminar
22 I Wayan Mangku. (2006). Weak and Strong Convergence of a Kernel-type Estimator for the Intensity of a Periodic Poisson Process. Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications 5 (1) pp. 1-12
23 I Wayan Mangku. (2005). A Note on Estimation of the Global Intensity of a Cyclic Poisson Process in the Presence of Linear Trend. Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications 4 (2) pp. 1-12
24 I Wayan Mangku, Indri Widiyastuti, I Gusti Putu Purnaba. (2005). Estimating the intensity in the form of a power function of an inhomogeneous Poisson process. Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications 4 (1) pp. 51-57
25 I Wayan Mangku, R. Helmers. (2005). Estimating the Intensity of a Cyclic Poisson Process in the Presence of Linear Trend. the 55-th Session of the International Statistical Institute Conference
26 I Wayan Mangku, Siswadi, R. Budiarti. (2005). Kekonsistenan Penduga Kernel bagi Fungsi Intesitas Proses Poisson Periodik dengan Tren Linear. Makalah Seminar pp. 1-10
27 I Wayan Mangku, Siswadi, R. Budiarti. (2005). Sifat-sifat Statistika Penduga Kernel bagi Fungsi Intesitas Proses Poisson Periodik dengan Tren Linear. Makalah Seminar pp. 1-9
28 I Wayan Mangku. (2005). Statistical Estimation of a Cyclic Poisson Intensity Function. Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Mathematics 2005 (ICAM05) pp. 109-116
29 Roelof Helmers, I Wayan Mangku, and Ricardas Zitikis. (2005). Statistical Properties of a Kernel- Type Estimator of the Intensity Function of a Cyclic Poisson Process. Journal Multivariate Analysis 92 (1) pp. 1-23
30 I Wayan Mangku. (2004). Application of Bootstrap Method on Estimation of The Error Rates in discriminant Analysis. Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications 3 (2) pp. 1-10
31 I Wayan Mangku. (2004). Estimating the Probability of Misclassificationsin Two-Groups Discriminant Analysis. Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications 3 (1) pp. 1-11
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