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Judul Artikel : Implementasi dan analisis algoritma linear discriminant dan local linear discriminant dalam mengklasifikasi Gender dengan praproses principal component analysis
Penulis : Meuthia R, M. Tito Julianto, Dedi Muhammad Imron (2004)
Judul Publikasi : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer Vol.2 No.1 hal. 20-29
Nama Penerbit : Departemen Ilmu Komputer FMIPA, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Kota : Bogor
Jenis : Jurnal Nasional
Bahasa : Indonesia
Abstrak : The main ideas of this paper are to compare the performance of two classifier algorithms (Local Discriminant and Local Linear Discriminant) and to know the influence of hair on gender classification based on a frontal view of the face of a person. A database containing 400 men and women face images was used to conduct the research. Jackknife schema was used to utilize the database which randomly chooses images as test face and training face which become input of those algorithms. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to reduce the dimensionality of the face images. The result showed that Local Linear Discriminant algorithm had better accuracy at classifying gender but it took more expensive running time and hair gave important contribution un the process.
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1 Mochamad Tito Julianto, S.Si, M.Kom.

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Lebih baik bersiap perang daripada berharap bahwa musuh tidak pernah datang atau menyerah.
