Lulusan Program Sarjana
Profesi Alumni
Dari survei yang melibatkan 192 alumni lulusan 2017/2018 s.d. 2019/2020 diperoleh persentase profil lulusan Program Studi adalah sebagai berikut:
Profil lulusan yang telah dihasilkan Program Studi
No | Profil Lulusan | Persentase |
1 | Pendidik/Akademisi | 16.2 |
2 | Peneliti/Asisten Peneliti | 1.7 |
3 | Analis/Konsultan/Jasa/Industri/Pemerintahan | 57.8 |
4 | Entrepreneur/Wirausaha | 8.1 |
5 | Praktisi/Programmer/Banker/Aktuaris | 16.2 |
Publikasi Ilmiah yang melibatkan mahasiswa
Publikasi ilmiah yang melibatkan mahasiswa yang telah disitasi dalam tiga tahun terakhir:
No. | Nama Mahasiswa (dan dosen) | Judul Artikel yang Disitasi (Jurnal/Buku, Volume, Tahun, Nomor, Halaman) |
1 | Mohamad Khoirun Najib | Koreksi bias statistik pada data prediksi suhu permukaan air laut di wilayah Indian Ocean dipole Barat dan Timur, Jambura Geoscience Review, Vol 3, 2021, No 1, 9 – 17. |
2 | Nurul Fathiah | Use of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Determining Traveling Salesman Problem Routes, Jurnal Matematika MANTIK, Vol 5, 2019, No. 2, hal 100 – 111 |
3 | Ihza Rizkia Fitri | Optimal strategy in controlling non-vector pest insect using green insecticide and mating disruption with cost-effectiveness analysis, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 1796, 2021, No 1, hal 012037 |
4 | Alfiyyah Hasanah | Lecturer Teaching Scheduling that Minimize The Difference of Total Teaching Load Using Goal Programming, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 1863, 2021, No 1 hal 012003 |
5 | Imas Saumi Amalia | Minimizing the handling time in VRP with pickup-and-delivery and time windows, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 1863, 2021, No 1, hal 012002 |
6 | Rizki Ridlotul Hidayah | Analysis of rainfall patterns in Kalimantan using fast fourier transform (FFT) and empirical orthogonal function (EOF), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 1796, 2021, No 1, hal 012053 |
7 | Linda Leni Fatmawati | El nino index prediction model using quantile mapping approach on sea surface temperature data, Desimal: Jurnal Matematika, Vol 4, 2021, No 1, hal 79-92 |
8 | Wafi Sabiq Masykuri | The application of perceptron method in predicting student graduation based on several identified key factors, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 1796, 2021, No 1 hal 012060 |
9 | Khoerul Fatihin | Algoritme Sweep dan Particle Swarm Optimization dalam Optimisasi Rute Kendaraan dengan Kapasitas, Jurnal Matematika Integratif, Vol 16, 2020, No 1, hal 29-40 |
10 | Fadillah Rohimahastuti | Modelling and analysis impact of El Nino and IOD to land and forest fire using polynomial and generalized logistic function: cases study in South Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Vol 8, 2022, No 3, hal 3341-3356 |
11 | Mega Aprillia | The impact of El Niño southern oscillation and Indian Ocean Dipole on the burned area in Indonesia, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol 33, 2022, No 1, hal 1-17 |
12 | Nuzhatun Nazria | Heterogeneous correlation map between estimated ENSO and IOD from ERA5 and Hotspot in Indonesia, Jambura Geoscience Review, Vol 3, 2021, No 2, hal 65-72 |
13 | Syahid Ahmad Mukrim | Akurasi dan Efisiensi Solusi Persamaan Diferensial Biasa dengan Masalah Nilai Batas pada Julia dan Octave, Jurnal Matematika UNAND, Vol 11, 2022, No 1, hal 32-46 |
14 | Mufid RN | Vehicle routing problems in rice-for-the-poor distribution, Decision Science Letters, Vol 8, 2019, hal 323-338 |
15 | Syahrul Maulana | Mixed integer formulation for multiproduct maritime inventory routing problem, IOP Confenrence Series: Material Science and Engneering, Vol 567, 2019, p 12060 |
16 | Ihza Rizkia Fitri | Controlling COVID-19 spread in Jakarta, Indonesia, using quarantine, testing and medical treatment. Kuwait Journal of Science, Special issue on COVID, 2021, 1-22. |
17 | Ihza Rizkia Fitri | Optimal pest control strategies with cost-effectiveness analysis. The Scientific World Journal, 2021, article id 6630193, 1-17. |
18 | Puspa Kusuma Ayuning Tyas | Analysis of aggregate production planning problem with goal programming model. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 1863, 2021, No 1, 012005. |